Separation anxiety

Katie • ...

My boy and I are going through a really difficult time with separation anxiety. He's 10.5 months and I'm lucky enough to be a stay at home mum for now. But on the occasions where I want to leave him with his grandparents he is a nightmare! I've left him 4 times with my mum and he has always been fine. We decided to leave him with my dad while we went for my husbands birthday dinner and he was so upset we had to come home. He gets hysterical crying to the point where he's gasping for breath. At the moment I can't even leave him with his dad while I nip to the shop. He cried even if he can see him sometimes. He constantly wants to be with me!

Any advice? We have an established goodbye routine and I am trying to leave him more frequently but it's so difficult when I know he gets upset! Feel like the worst mum ever!