
I have grown up with a family that is very tight knit and close. My father died when I was 14, he was my role model in every way. I have my mom, 2 sisters and 1 brother. We constantly talk to each other about anything and everything. We hug, we lay in the same bed all night and talk each other's ears off. There is nothing that can't be said between us. We are the kind of people that wear their heart on their sleeves and would give anyone the shirts off our back if needed. Now my sister was a high school and college athlete that my parents adored and did anything for. Then my younger brother came into the spot light with football. He is my moms pride and joy. Yes I played sports as well but was never on my parents radar.

My husband and I have been together for 6 years now and married for 3. I don't know if I'm just now noticing this or things have changed between us but he won't/can't show me any affection at all. The kisses I get from him are just pecks and if I ask for more of a kiss than that he just chuckles and walks off. The only time he has said the word beautiful to me is when I am visiting my family without him for the weekend and he sends me a wake up text saying good morning beautiful but you will never catch him actually saying it to me. He can't tell me why he loves me other than I put up with his shit.

It kills me when I want sex just so I can feel him touching me. And he doesn't play around when it comes to sex he is a let's get this over with kind of guy. No foreplay just goes right for it.

Is it so bad that I want to be able to tell that I'm cherished by my husband? That I want to be able to feel and see how much he cares for me. I want to be his #1 priority for once. I want to be able to see that my husband actually wants me around and I don't see that unless we are arguing.

He tells me he doesn't know how to do what I'm asking of him. He was never shown affection growing up. In the 6 years I have known my husband I have never seen his parents hug him. He is in this whole other world and I have no idea how to reach him. I need to figure it out cause my heart can't take anymore of not the kind of love I need.

Yes my husband is a great guy don't get me wrong. He pays majority of the bills and keeps a roof over our heads. He is a wonderful dad to our two kids.

Just in the last two years something has changed it seems, or maybe it was never there and I figured I could work him up to it... idk but I'm dying here.

I have thought about leaving but the thought of being without him hurts worse than where we are.

I don't need to hear I'm beautiful or those compliments every day but they mean the world every so often. I want my husband to want to touch me and not have to ask for it or resort to sex to get it.

I want some affection from him and don't know how to get him to understand how to show it and that it's ok for men to show their wife affection.