New and confused!

Megan • 👶🏼 6/13/18 💙

So, my man and I decided to start trying for our first after my last period (august 11th) and we agreed, obviously, that I would stop taking my birth control that I had been taking for about 9 years. The app shows that I'm 6DPO, but I feel like I may be a day or two later than that based on my CM around the time. Would it be too early to be experiencing symptoms? And the past day or two, my CM has been VERY watery and heavy, sometimes cloudy or a little white, to where it's leaking out of my underwear. I've never experienced that before so is that some kind of symptom? I have other symptoms, but I partially feel like my body is tricking me because I'm so excited to be a mommy for the first time! Any kind words and advice would be great, thank you!