posting here anyways!


I know he's technically a September baby, but my due date was the 26th of August. He was 8 pounds 9.9 ounces, 21 inches long. Blessed to have him. I was admitted to the hospital at 730 yesterday (the first) for induction. Took 4 nurses with two failed attempts at getting my IV in, then they had to call in the specialist guy and his blood draw nurse to come do it. They got it on the first try. Talk about ouch, my poor hand is bruised. They get the IV in, turns out my body spontaneously started contractions after that point, so the pill inserted was out of the question, so they started fluids and pitocin. Contractions started coming in hot. They gave me doses of Fentanyl (I think it's spelled?) that I could have once an hour, but my body metabolized it within 5-10 minutes, leaving me to suffer. After sticking with it and suffering all night I agreed to an epidural at around 7am this morning. It seemed to work almost immediately. Turns out my body hates the epidural. All it managed to successfully do was numb my entire left leg, leaving the rest of me to feel everything. I was 1cm on admission, was only 2cm shortly after 3am. By 6am I was dilated to a 5. Pretty standard. Sent my husband home around 830 to check on our pets and got checked while he was gone, which was only about an hour, and I was at an 8. Talk about panic. Well, I stayed at an 8 until about noon, dozed off for about an hour, woke up begging them to try to help fix the pain and fended up getting told it's pushing time. Two hours of active pushing later and my beautiful 8 pound 9.9 ounce boy was born at 3:24, turning my husband into an immediate marshmallow. I didn't tear but ended up doing a natural labor despite trying the epidural, since it didn't work. His shoulder got stuck after his head came out, causing the nurses to panic. They got him out okay and now we are on round 3 of trying to breastfeed! Leroy Xavier!