Out of my mind

I don't even know how to start this story, but oh well, I am fuc.en mad 😡 right about now, Long story short, I been married for 3 yrs now, everything was perfect, with ups and downs like all other couples. We live in California but my husbands family lives in Washington State, so we came to visit since the town where he was raised is having a big festival. Plus he only get to see his parents once every year. I was obviously aware that he had have histories here before (girlfriends) but I have always thought that was normal and if wasn't when we were dating/married then that was 👌 fine. Well we where at the festival with his family, and he was saying hi to everybody in here and there, (part of a normal person) so this lady came and started talking to him and asking him the story of his life (he NEVER introduced me like his wife) there we thousands of people (I could be a lady standing next to him/them talking) ACTION BEGAN: she started saying that her daughter still in love with him and that she couldn't believe how he was married with someone that wasn't her, that she was the perfect match for him and that she couldn't forgot the time when he gave her a ride to the river at the top of the mountain on his yellow motorcycle. 1. He bought the motorcycle when we were already dating. 2.He NEVER said this is my wife. So I started walking in between people about to explode of anger, super extremely angry with the thought that he cheated me when we were dating already. So then my sister in law came to me and was like hey why you walking by your self you should of wait to my brother before one of his exes steal him from you. I didn't want to go nuts in front of all his family so I just stayed quiet the hole rest of the time. He was then trying to talked to me but I was about to hit him and walk away. So I contended myself, and just stayed quiet. After all his family was asking me what happened why are you so quiet. So we just walked around and and in front of the door he walked into this woman, she almost run to hug him. She had the biggest smile at her face when she looked at him. He just put his head down and try not to look at her. I could swear that she was the lady that the woman was saying. He obviously cheated on me with her when we were dating. I feel trapped, I am 16 hrs away from home I have nobody here at this town. We came driving (our) truck. I need to cry but I don't want his mom to notice. I never thought he would cheat on me. Do you guys think I am overreacting? I need advice!!! Should I leave him and try to find a bus and leave home? We where going to be here until Wednesday.