what should i dooo

So me and my boyfriend made plans for tomorrow night, we haven't really seen eachother thaaat much coz hes been working and so really looking forward to tomorrow.. He messaged me today that his cars broken down and not getting fixed until later in the week which means not coming over tomorrow.. So i said ok, coz yanno it's not his fault.. I said that it sucks i won't see you for another week then, he didn't seem al that bothered about not seeing me.. His mom then offered to drive him to mine and he can stay at mine the night coz it's easier, he was like 'no its fine'.. Like i dunno if i'm being petty or not, getting annoyed about it, it seems like he doesn't wanna see me and isn't even annoyed it's gunna be another week.. Like we've been really rocky lately anyway, and he knows that, and we've spoken about it, but now he's acting like thisss.. i did say to him it seems like your not bothered about tomoz and he just put 'ofc i am' and left it at that.. Any advice on what to do?