Dating my friend (lesbian)


I have currently been dating my good friend for about 6 months. we've been friends for 7 years. I was surprised to see we had so much in common as far as being who we truly are and living our lives our way. the last few weeks been a little weird because she hasn't been communicating with me as much as I would like. When she has a stressful day she comes home and it seems like she's detached. So I would buy her flowers or take her out to lift her spirits. The last 2 times we went out, she was drinking and we had a bad argument. She was nasty to me. I usually have to ask her to apologize and she does, but not because she wanted too. The last time I told her if she needs space I'll give it to her, but she has to communicate. She makes me feel like I'm unwanted or in the way. So this last time I decided to give her space and I told her instead of treating her how she treated me. I love her. I don't want to loose my lover and especially my friend. I dont know what to do. I value her as a person and I just want to keep the peace. I dont know if I should stay or go back to friends?