Peace of Mind


I've been overweight pretty much my whole life and I've ways had irregular to non-existent periods. I've recently lost almost 40 pounds (in the last 4 months) and my periods are starting to get more regular. I've also just started taking birth control because I've been getting unexpected surprise periods that I can't really plan for at all.

I thought I had started my period about four days ago because I was bleeding heavily in the afternoon. By that evening, the bleeding had reduced to very light spotting. I started my birth control regime that day as well. The next day, no spotting at all. Well now I'm on day 4 and I'm bleeding again, not as heavily but still annoyed. I'm also dizzy and fatigued. My ears are ringing and I'm getting hot flashes. I'm hoping that these are all just symptoms of birth control. This is my first time ever being on it so I'm not sure what to look out for. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!