Boy advice?

So got myself in a situation😂 so anyways my freshman year I dated this boy. I had a crush on him since I was in 6th grade but finally my freshman year we had a class together. He was into classic rock and so was I. He was very shy but we talked for a longgg time and ended up dating for a while. I was his first girlfriend (he was a sophomore) and so far has been his only girlfriend cause I guess he just hasn't liked anyone else cause i never see him talking to a lot of girls. Only a few of his friends are girls. Anywhoo, I really liked him because we were so similar in goals, humor, and lifestyle. He used to run to my house just to see me and it was a ways away. Well he was having some family issues, he completely shut down and we ended things. We continued to flirt and we have a fling on and off. Beginning of summer we finally called it quits and I was devastated. Took me a year to get over him, but I still kinda had feelings when another guy and I dated but I was trying to get over him. Middle of my sophomore year, we kinda talked again. He would send me love songs but we didn't really speak that much, and again we stopped talking because some girl started spreading rumors about stuff that wasn't even her business🙄so I haven't really spoken with him in 2 years. Well first night hurricane Harvey hit, I woke up to see some texts from Him @4:18am asking if we were okay and that he didn't know if my number was blocked and hoping it was still the right person. So I texted him back and both his grandmas houses flooded and his house flooded a little since they got over 2 feet of water. So we started talking and eventually a few nights ago he called me around 11pm and we stayed up talking till 5am about everything. So he asked if I wanted to go eat a few days ago so we are gonna try and go. Well last night somehow we were talking about like the future and I was saying "I don't think a lot of guys can handle the pace I work at with sports, horses, school and probably eventually work" and he said "I could" so that was my first 🤔 so previous nights he always apologize for hurting me because those were never his intentions. Last night he said his mom still talks about me and that I always look pretty and says he messed up😂 so then he goes "can I ask you a question" so I said "shoot" and he asked if id ever get back together with him and that since he met me he never lost feelings for me but was convinced I hated him because of everything he put me through. I told him "honestly I've thought about it but before I'd ever consider you are gonna have to prove yourself and there is a lot of trust to rebuild between you and me" he agreed and said he wanted to try again but agreed on being friends first. So I asked mom if I could go eat with him today and she agreed but said "don't you dare get back together with him" and I'm like 🙃😳 so honestly what do you think I should do ?

So yesterday he had to cancel going to eat cause he had to help his dad at his work. I hope it was a legit excuse. But when this guy and I first started talking a week ago he liked this girl and would ask my advice on her. So when he said he liked me I asked what about the other girl? He said "i can barely understand her (she's foreign) and I only like her as a friend and she only likes me as a friend." But I mean in a few weeks I don't wanna be "that" girl you know? Then I brought up homecoming and he mentioned we could go to the beach instead and sit on the back of his truck and watch the stars. He's even made a Spotify playlist with "our" songs. But yesterday our conversations where kinda dry and he said goodnight early but he was still up around 2am when I texted him?? I just don't want to get hurt again.