🚨False Alarm @ 39 weeks 🚨 😒😑☹️


Woke up at 5:30am needing to go to the bathroom and felt wetness in my lady bits.

Got out of bed and felt a small gush of clear, odorless fluid trickling down my legs. I haven't had this ever so I was positive it was my water breaking.

We get to the hospital, get examined and they said I probably just peed myself 😑 Trust me, it was not urine. Luckily they monitored the baby for a good two hours and everything looks great. Baby girl has enough fluid in the sac still and good heart beat. They even said I was having small warm up contractions. (I don't even feel them) Got sent home and now relaxing 😴

At least we had a practice run and everything went smoothly. 👍🏼🤣🎉

Anyone else ever had a similar experience? And how soon after did you go into labor?