so done

Ok in so fucking done! You have no clue what anyone is going through so just treat everyone with fucking respect! Is that so hard?! Like holy fucking shit! Leave the girl wearing long sleeves and pants when it's 100° outside the fuck alone leave the girl wearing short shorts and crop tops alone don't fucking judge and treat people based on the way the look! She might have low confidence or have scars she doesn't want you seeing! And the one who looks like a "slut" could also lack confidence or maybe tahts the clothes that make her feel good don't make fucking cat calls don't make a fucking comment! let them be them! Guys need to respect women for who they are inside not out side we arent some toy we arent your door mat for you just to use we are human beings too im tired of being used im tired of guys telling me they like me and shit shut and then just using me for sex I ain't no fucking you neither are you! You are a beautiful woman who deserves respect deserves to be treated like a fucking queen that doesn't mean expensive shot that means respect to be listened to! We shouldn't have to take this shit we are better than this ladies!