In need of some advice.

UPDATE: So I give up on guys! I decided to ask him to be my boyfriend and it went all to shits. After I opened up to him and told my mom about him ( I'm Hispanic so telling my mom about a guy is major) He goes ghost on me for two days. Which I will tell y'all why >>>>>>>>>

Here is what happen.

So we decided to spend the weekend together Friday and Saturday because it's rare when I get a night off work (I work 7 days a week and one night off) anyways

Sunday morning I get home and I posted on snapchat a pic of us together. One of my cousins comments and says "eww his weird you know he has aids" which made me mad and I went off on her and defended him. I texted him and told him about what she said and he gets mad at me and tells me to not even talk to him. For two days and on the third day I text him and he hits me with "go find someone else".

I'm honestly really heart broken. 😭😭😭

I was in a relationship for 7- almost 8 years with this guy an well things didn't work out as I planned---fast forward to today and it's been almost a year since that. I decided a few months back that I was done looking for a relationship I was going to focus on myself and ya know get my life together (I'm only 20 years old) anyways this guy has always tried to hit me up and all that and at first I was like no stop I'm not interested and well he wouldn't stop. So I accepted to go on a few dates at least. Not really your normal dates it was breakfast dates because I work night shift and I didn't care how I looked.. His given me flowers and chocolate!! Leaves me messages to wake up to and about everything you can think of..

yeah And one night when I was out with some friends I called him drunk at 2 in the morning because I didn't feel safe at my friends house (some guy was trying to have sex with me) and guys... he come to pick me up! He drove an hour and got a room at hotel so I could sleep and sober up.. Before y'all thing I was leading him on I told him straight forward that I wasn't looking for a relationship so he knew from the beginning. Now it's been three months and I feel like I'm actually falling for this guy! But he still thinks I'm not serious about him which I understand. I want to ask him to be my boyfriend. I've dropped hits, but he still doesn't get it. I don't know what do to. I want to ask but in a creative way.