WTH? Has anyone else experienced this?

Maybe a little TMI somewhere in here, but here goes. I was having intercourse pretty regularly last month. When this month rolled around, my period was a couple days past the app's guesstimated date. (That is no surprise. The prediction is usually a few days early. And I have been working out a lot recently which could delay my period). So I wasnt worried. I mean, a little, but not much. UNTIL, I had sex again about a week ago. Just oral (him down on me). When he got done "down there" we realized there was bright red blood. Everywhere. A puddle on the bed, all over his hands and chin. (Sorry, tmi). My point is, there was a LOT. And nothing had hurt. He didn't scratch me or I didn't feel anything tear. I figured it was my period starting, but the next morning there was nothing. Not a single drop. And my period still hasn't started. It's now about a week and a half since the app's prediction. I've taken two First Response tests. Both were negative. Was this a miscarriage? Implantation bleeding? My period all in one day all at once? What the hell? Has anyone else experienced this?