Position problems


So I was about to have sex with this guy. And I felt confident and decided to ride him. Well, when it came to putting his penis inside me, I couldn't. It was so embarrassing. He kind of paused for a moment and was like "do you not know where your vagina is?" So I'm getting frustrated and I told him yes I know, because I do know, I could insert a finger, but just couldn't get him inside me. This happened once with another guy but I just thought it was because we were in a car and I wasn't fully excited. The last guy had to help me and we went on from there... So this time, I kind of got discouraged and I think I was able to put it in for about a second, but I ended up down on the bed and he took over. Has this happened to anyone else? Do you have advice or is it just a practice makes perfect kind of thing? I'm thinking it's because I have such huge thighs so when I'm straddling it kind of closes the lips of my vagina. Sorry if I'm being too open or graphic, it just really bugged me and I want to be able to be on top and know how to do this!!!