High risk


I have had one miscarriage and one still birth. The doctors told me last time that all my pregnancies will be high risk and I will have to be in the hospital from week 23 until birth. They won't do much until the baby is viable. I am 6 weeks and 3 days. When I was pregnant with my daughter I bled heavily for 3 months and was on bed rest the whole time. I had my baby at almost 22 weeks. I am trying not to worry. Mainly because stress will hurt the baby.. They could not tell me what was wrong last time because they didnt know. I am feeling wierd cramps and pains I havent before and my stomach feels hard to me. I have a bad back and it feels horrible. Anyone else have problems like this? Worried but keeping positive and hopeful.

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Have they ruled out if you have an incompetent cervix? Usually causes still births/miscarriage around 22 week mark. Best to google it and see if that's what it might be. If it is that they can place a cervical suture in between 14-16 weeks to prevent the cervix from opening earlier. I have this and will be getting the stitch placed in around 4-5 weeks. Lost my first at 22w due to it and had to have an emergency stitch placed in with me second pregnancy due to cervix opening. She survived thanks to the surgery and was born full term :) best of luck xx I'm also on bed rest now till stitch is placed in x


Amber • Sep 5, 2017
Ahk then, well I hope you have a easier healthy pregnancy this time x again consider asking the doctor about an incompetent cervix and to check ur cervix size through ultrasounds


Victoria • Sep 5, 2017
My mom lost a set of twins but it was due to domestic abuse.


Amber • Sep 5, 2017
Do you know if you have any female relatives that have lost pregnancies around 22 week mark or further along? As it can run in the family. That's how I have it sadly, runs down my family line