46 hours of labor


so after 46 hours of labor , my epidural going out about 3 hours before I delivered, & only 10-15 minutes of pushing , my baby girl made her arrival August 23, 2017 @ 4:27 pm. It was a very long process , and towards the end I told my husband I didn't think I could do it. They induced me on Monday , and I didn't have her until Wednesday. Tuesday night I was dilated to almost a 6 , so the on call doctor(not my doctor) told the nurse to go ahead and get my epidural started. Woke up the next morning dilated back to a 3. The epidural apparently reversed my labor process. So they started pitocin again to induce me , upping it every 30 minutes. At 1:30, I was only dilated to a 4 1/2 , so my doctor decided to break my water. After that , my epidural stopped working , and I could feel every contraction. At 3:15, I was in excruciating pain so they checked me , I was only dilated to a 5. The pain was just unbearable though , I couldn't stand it. I had to push , even though the nurse kept telling me that I was fine and to just relax. Well at 4:27, my daughter was here. I only pushed about 4 times and she was in my arms. She came so fast she ripped me pretty bad , but all I could think about was how amazing and beautiful my daughter was. So even though labor was very painful , and I wound up having her pretty much natural, but I wouldn't change it for the world. This little girl is mom and dad's life.