What do I get for a Breast Pump?


Ok I need some veteran advice

I plan on breast feeding and pumping when I have my baby in January. I don't work so I'm able to be with my baby hopefully all the time. My husband works 2weeks on and 2 weeks off so I'd love for him to be able to feed the baby sometimes too (middle of the night, while I'm in the shower...etc) and I'd love to be able to leave my girl/boy with grandma and grandpa sometimes too

My insurance covers a standard grade breast pump and only a couple brands (from my understanding)

I don't want to be a Milk Maid but I would like to have 1-2 back up bottles available daily.

What kind of pumps should I be looking at?

I'll be going to my OB again in a couple days and I'll ask her too and I'm gunna call my insurance to ask more specific questions but I wanted some Experienced Mom advice.

Thanks in advance 👐🏼