Low amniotic fluid

Kristin • 👶🏼9/14/17 👼🏻2/16/19 🤰🏻🌈due 3/2020

So I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow, in the last 10 days my AFI (amniotic fluid index) went from 6.4 to 6.9 - they weren't impressed. Typically it's not called "oligohydramnios" until the number is below 5 but my doctor is having me get the betamethasone shots (to speed baby's lung development) and see a specialist just in case. He said they would do another sono at that appointment. I know he's probably just being cautious but I was just wondering if anyone else has experience with this? I can't help but be a little nervous. I'm trying to get as much ready today as possible in case they have to get him out Friday. 😩 I'm not ready!