UTI help??

Hey Ladies!

I'm a sophomore in college, yet I've never been to the gynecologist because of personal reasons. Recently I finally decided to do the deed with my SO (it hurt) and then 2 days after went to the most disgusting Applebee's bathroom on the planet. I'm listing both of these because now I have cloudy, absolutely foul smelling pee and discharge and it HUUURTS and I have to go constantly. In addition, I'm a week late on my period. My family has a history of UTI's but I've never had one.

I'm scared of it hitting me in the middle of class, how it'll affect my relationship, best way to get rid of it (home remedy or otherwise), or if it's not actually affecting my period. My family is ultra Christian and would probably disown me if they found out (even though it's 2017😥). Any advice?


A Stumped Sophomore