so confused....

my husband and I have been trying for over 2 years...this past month was the usual, ended up getting my normal period; a few days of spotting, then a few heavy days then finished with a few more light days....well a few days after it was done I took an ovulation test and it said I was at peak. and seeings how my hubby and I were both getting over this summer cold we didn't make it happen, then 2 days later I started spotting and having really sore boobs and feeling light headed.....after 2 days of this I got this funny feeling and I took 2 different hpt and they both came back positive! which that was amazing but I'm having a hard time believing it...we haven't had sex since my last period, however the digital test said 1-2 weeks which means we conceived 3-4 weeks ago, which the timing Is right for that but not with bleeding just like a normal period afterwards, which makes me wonder if I miscarried, but then why almost 2 weeks later am I getting all these other preg symptoms (my temp higher than normal too) including a positive hpt. I'm waiting on a call from my Dr for a referral to get an ultrasound. I'm trying not to freak out or get my hopes up.....has anyone else had anything like this???