2 barely 3 day period. Negative pregnancy test. Concerned

Hello ladies,

This is the second cycle having a period post getting off BC. Last month I had a 3-4 day period which started normal and was light by day 3-4. This month on cycle day 33 I had brown spotting all day which I thought could be implantation bleeding. Around 5am cycle day 34 I woke up to pee and when I wiped it was red normal period like blood. Enough to want to put a tampon in. By 9am the tampon was filled (sorry for tmi). The rest of the day it was a little lighter. By day two of the period it was very light. Day 3 I woke up and it was barely there so I took tampon out and didn't need one for the rest of the day. So period lasted barely three days (yesterday would have been day 3). I thought it was strange this happened so today I decided to take pregnancy test and it was negative. I'm now extremely worried about these weird periods I am having as my husband and I are ttc and I'm scared this is a sign of fertility issues. Anyone experience anything similar?
