I'm scared tell my parent I wanna Quit my Sport

It's been a year and I've been wanting to quiet soccer, but I'm scared and just to afraid that my dad will be upset with me. The season just started and I already sprained my ankle turning a game and have been out for about a month. During that month I've been seeing any sport that I could do if I couldn't play and I've have fallen in love with ballet.

But now my ankle has healed and I have to go back to soccer. Just a week ago my dad was saying about how much I have to practice to get good now and what colleges have a good soccer team. Right after we had a conversation about that, I went into the bathroom to cry because all I want to tell him is that I don't live it anymore, that I've lost passion.

I've been doing it for 7 years and my dad has spend so much money for me to play. I just can't do it anymore, I wanna do something different. I need help, how can I tell him, should I wait?