Threw up right after my period ended ???

Ive been on bc for 3 years now & have not gone off of it. I've always been really good at taking on time. I messed up a 2 weeks before my period was supposed to come (totally forgot the situation), so I feared my period would be messed up, but it wasn't. It came on time, just not as heavy as usual, but still very much there.

My period ended 2 days ago, & my bf & I had protected sex on the first day of my period & on the last. I woke up around 5am this morning & was feeling very nauseous. I tried to just ignore it & since I was so tired I kept waking up & falling asleep. At 6am, I woke up again & felt even worse. I tried to sleep it off again but couldn't, so I got up to go to the bathroom just in case. I didn't make it to the bathroom & threw up in my bfs trash can. I felt better after, crawled into bed & got lots of cuddles from my bf. When we woke up 2 hours later, I still felt a little nauseous but not nearly as much as I did earlier. I honestly don't feel sick at all. Idk if it was something I ate the night before or something else...but there's no way I could be preg since I JUST got my period. Idk 😐