I've been doing it wrong!


so when I do decide to use my ovulation test I've been doing so at the recommended time frame between days 10 and 14 with no luck of getting my surge, so I've been going off of the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow apps</a> suggested peak fertility time.

well... today on a whim I decided to take two different tests, one manual with the line reading from iproven brand and the digital clear blue, the iproven showed up fast with a dark dark line and I thought no way!? and so I waited the 5 minutes for the digital to show up and it also showed peak with the solid smiley face. I'm floored by the fact that I've been bding in the middle of my cycle instead of in the beginning.

so I have really short periods that last about 3 or 4 days, I'm on day 3 and have only spotted early this morning. and I can't believe I didnt think to just test early or later in my cycle to get a good read on my body.

so needless to say I know what my husband and I are doing tonight, lets hope this is my month!!!

baby dust to you all!