Pray for my boyfriend

Because I'm about to kill him. He thinks it's cool to leave all the time and not tell me where he's going when he's going to be gone for HOURS. When we have a 3 month old. Just because he assumes I know where he's at since it's only a few places. Like tonight, I went to be around 8 because I tried to put my son to bed, and I'm already having a very very shitty day, I have to get up at 6 for another hard day because I'm going to school so I'm no longer going to be with my son 24/7. I go downstairs about an hour and a half later to use the bathroom to discover my boyfriends not even home. Thank god for Snapchat map to see he's with his brother in law. No I didn't text him, because why should I if he's going to do that shit. Idgaf where he is, he could be out grocery shopping it's not cool to not know because he assumes I should know or come downstairs after I went to bed to see he's not even here. Even if I did go to bed, I think you can send me a text saying "hey I'm at so and so" Am I wrong or? Like I want to freak the fuck out on him when he gets home. But I also don't even fucking care to say anything anymore. Yes I've told him many times I hate when he does that, and he told me once we had our son he'd start letting me know where he's at. And he hasn't done a very good job of it.