

I have to.. im so sorry. So its just me, my dog , and my now 1 month old son. My perfectionist, OCD, goodie goodie, know it all sister has been giving her two sense since Ive been like 4 months pregnant. About how I should get rid of my dog since im going to have a baby, then after I had to yell at her about it, she yells at me every time she sees dog hair at my house. its a fucking dog!! she sheds! Now, I have my son on a schedule. i know when hes hungry, when hes fighting sleep etc. i go over my sister/moms house once a week so they can see my son. every time I go, I'll breast feed one boob. before i can switch boobs they grab him and burp him (they really want to hold him all the time) and when hes crying his head off because he's hungry, they wont listen to me when i tell them i need to keep feeding him. they just try to put him to sleep. so since he only has some food, hes awake in like 10 mins. He also sleeps on my chest (he's teething and he hurts) my shames me for that. says im letting him manipulate me...hes 1 month old!! she says when he eventually spends the night at her house shes not going to cuddle him all night. buuut when im over there they hold him non stop. when i tell her to stop, she says shes the grandma and when we are over grandmas its her rules. i was over there a few days ago. and they kept him up for 6 hours straight. HE NEEDS A FUCKING NAP!! And they proceed to get mad at me because i kept telling them to leave him alone he needs a nap. no matter what i do i am being mom shamed by my own mom and sister. whatever i say to them to defend my decisions since ya know im with him 24/7 and i know my kid, they tell me stuff im doing wrong. it makes me not even want to go over or talk to them about what hes doing. i know thats wrong because my small family on my moms side is all the family i and my kid have. but its been 20 years since my mom has had a baby... times have changed. my sister breastfed for a month 7 years ago... so no you dont know how much my son should be drinking and how often. any ideas on what i should do?? im tried of defending my decisions... they arent even decisions, its what my son needs. my sister is known to be controlling and we let her do it because no one wants the headache of arguing with her. like last month she came over and reorganized my ENTIRE apartment. i couldn't find anything and she told me that i have things in the wrong places. like wtf