Lydia • 19yo Momma of a handsome baby boy (surprise gender, waited till birth) 10 hour labor 💙 Born 09/06/17 7lbs 1oz 19 1/2 inches 12:44am Breast-Feeding Cloth Diapering Baby Wrapping

I drank the midwives brew (see previous post)

I started having contractions 45 minutes after drinking it!

Started at 2pm, September 5th, cramped and contracted until my water broke at 10pm, baby was born with 30 minutes of pushing at 12:44am September 6th!

I really do believe the midwives brew put me into labor!!

Surprise Gender!

Baby BOY weighed 7lbs 1oz and was 19 1/2 inches!

Amazing smooth delivery with no meds (no time for meds!!)

I dilated VERY fast.. within an hour and a half I went from 4-10!

No tearing, just a skid mark on my right lip!

SOOOOO thankful!!

(But also f*** labor and pushing, it was the worst thing ever) but I've already forgotten most of it!

Here he is... Lucas Matthew ❤