need advice


so I am sure some that read this may work in the medical field. and some may not. but my question is my 7 month old baby was seen yesterday for emergency visit she got many test done come to find out everything was negative praise God. but since Monday she has had a fever of 102.8 it goes done after tynol I hate giving her tynol but that's wat needs to happen docs told me to continue to give if fever stays high. If anyone knows of a more natural remedy that worked great and is recommended i will deff take up on that . so they pretty much said she has a virus but she can't keep anything done expect breastmilk. and I am stuck going back in forth if I should take her to hospital i know my call but has anyone of ur kids have had fevers at this gestation and was okay? ftm. btw the doctor was amazing she did alot of test to rule out anything serious.