Nervous wreck

I am 10 weeks and 3 days prego, I ended up in the ER this morning because I was so worried I was having a miscarriage. As I was getting ready to leave my house for a dentist appointment I all of a sudden felt like I had just gotten my period. I rushed to the bathroom to see blood on my underwear as it continued to drip out of me as I sat on the toile, I was so upset I didn't know what to do but cry. I had my first ultrasound last night it was such an amazing thing being able to see my baby moving around and knowing it had a heartbeat of 176. I couldn't imagine that I had lost the baby so soon after being so ecstatic all night last night knowing that everything was okay with my baby. After being in the ER for hours and having another ultrasound as well as blood work the doctor returned to tell me that everything looked good and that the baby was fine, it was such a relief but I still don't know why I was bleeding and neither did the doctor. I can't stop praying and just keeping hope that everything will be okay. This is my first pregnancy and it was unexpected but I am so grateful for being able to experience this amazing journey! I am just so nervous I am going to miscarry which will be so heartbreaking 😔