What is this feeling

T. F. • For I know the plans I have you, declares the lord, plans to prosper you, not harm you, plans to give you hope &a future

I'm a mother of two, married. Good life. Stay at home with my daughters, my husband makes good money and provides for us very well. But I just feel like hole in me, like I'm missing something, I feel like im drowning and snapping at my daughters for everything all the time. My husband helps and gives me time to my self sometimes but even when it's time to myself, I feel guilty for leaving them or guilty for not wanting to be around them. I feel like I'm around my husband 24/7. But when we go out to do adult stuff, he's always questions my every move- if I order a drink a dinner, if I do my make up different, ANYTHING. I feel like I need to surround myself with girl friends but I don't want to be around other moms and talk about kids. I want to just be out and have some time. But I feel like it's not going to fix what I'm feeling. It's just empty. What am I missing? Why cant I feel happy surrounded by my family? I LOVE my daughters and my husband but I'm so frustrated with them all the time. Like I'm suffocating under them and all my daily life chores or just life in general.