feeling odd after sex..


I'm 38 weeks and 4 days. Last night me and hubby had sex, i had already orgasmed by the time we actually had sex and was really tight so he used lube. Anyway afterwards I noticed a bit of blood when I wiped. Pinkish, not red. And only a little bit. This morning there is still a bit of blood, I'm not sure if it's my mucus plug? My baby stopped moving as much as usual, but I think he's back to normal now. I had to use the toilet like 5 times overnight for both number 1 and 2..i usually get up to pee twice if that. I've also had a lot of pressure, like one long cramp in my belly and pressure down below. Any ideas what's going on? Nervous about the blood because I lost my first at 6 weeks after intercourse.