

I know lots of babies are sleeping through the night by this point but unfortunately, my 6-month old is not one of them. She's hitting all the other milestones and then some but sleep seems to elude her.

I read the sleepeasy book and it made a lot of sense to me but when time came to apply it, I couldn't do it. The way she cries made me feel that she was scared and I thought that if I was feeling scared, I'd want to be comforted

Also with her teething, learning to sit, starting solids, big brother starting a new school...etc, I'm not sure if the time is right but at the same time, I'd like to sleep more than 3-4 hr at a time 😭 she's breastfed and I know that's a factor but I'm not ready to wean her off breastmilk yet.