Over reacting?

So I applied for a job that I REALLY want. I was called in for an interview and I feel like the interview went really well. The hiring manager told me she would call either today or tomorrow and I didn't hear today. I was talking to my husband and told him I felt really overwhelmed by it and that I really hoped I get it. His response was "I hope so to but you have to be realistic." What the fuck is that supposed to mean?! So naturally I asked him what that meant and he started in with how it's to desirable of a job and blah blah blah well now I feel very offended like he was saying I'm not qualified. Then he tells me he's just trying to keep me from getting my hopes crushed. Tf?! Trying to keep me from getting my hopes crushed by crushing hem for the potential employer. Well now I have zero optimism that I'm actually going to get this job and I can't stop crying. I feel like a failure.