Loosing weight/exercise with hip problems


My Dr said in order to do surgery to fix my hip laberal tear I have two options. Shots in my hip w/an ultrasound to guide or surgery but there is too much stuff between my hip joint and the outside of my hip. Im 13.5 months post birth so I'm basically healed from that but every day I do more than sit on the couch or floor and get up to chase my son once or twice and make dinner/meals for us, I can't walk. We went to the zoo on Wednesday and I was fine but as soon as I got home and started to relax the pain from my tear would barely let me get to my bed. So I asked my husband to bring me a pillow for between my legs after that it still got worse so I tried to get up and take something to help the pain and I fell on my ass and my husband had to pick my 250lb body up and get me back to bed. But Thursday I was 90% better. So after all that I know that not eating makes you gain weight because your body stores the fat you intake so later you'll have something to burn. But I barely eat. My son eats all day I have 2cups of coffee then we both have a good dinner, a meat, veggies and some kind of starch. So I'm writing all this to ask for advice besides eating better. If I work out it hurts worse than just being sore from a work out. Someone suggested yoga but I'm not sure what kind I can do without causing more strain on my tear. I feel really stuck. My insurance won't cover diet pills not that I want to take those and I also want to have another child soon