Cig smoke opinions?


My husbands parents are VERY VERY heavy smokers, like chain smokers. They have smoked in there home for over 20 years, nicotine covers the walls, the whole nine yards. They don't see the problem with it, and dont even respect me enough to not smoke around me when I have asked them not to, they get mad and have even talked bad about me to family members about it. My husband also has had severe asthma his whole life and they still smoked around him. My husband doesn't see the issue, because he was raised around it, me on the other hand don't like it. I understand it's there home, but it's my baby and I don't want her smoked around and I kinda don't want her going to their house because the smoke and smell is caked in there home. I don't want to keep her from them though, and don't want to upset my husband. I've tried bringing the conversation up, but haven't got anywhere with it. What's your guys opinion? Am i overreacting or am I in the right? Please don't be harsh. I'm a first time mom and just want the best for baby. Im scared she's going to have asthma since he does and so does his grandma.