

I never thought I would be here... I never thought I would hear a doctor say I was pregnant. I heard that on August 20th, I cried for joy. Monday I cried in terror as laid in the back seat of my car while my boyfriend drove me home from the hospital as I started to bleed. I lost my baby that night at 7w6d. The next day I had my first prenatal visit where I had to turn "congratulations" into "I'm sorry" as I was poked and prodded to make sure it was all gone. Now I'm sitting here in this group wearing a blood covered pad rubbing an empty belly looking for hope instead of adding to my nursery wish list. We want to try again and be hopeful because if it happened once it can happen again. But for now I just needed to say something to someone instead of putting on my brave face. I am truly sorry that we are all here, but I am thankful to have a safe place to grieve.