Pelvic discomfort/pain near ovulation??

Today is my first time experiencing this.. I woke up with a pain on my left side.. and the hypochondriac in me is freaking out.. it's not really just a pain.. it feels like I've been bruised near the inside of my left pelvic bone (headed down towards my lady parts), and I wouldn't say it's swollen, even though that's probably the proper term.. but it's noticeably bigger than the other side, nothing drastic.. but I see the difference, and I feel the difference.. when I push down it feels like there's a hard-ish, long lump.. I'm supposed to ovulate in a couple of days, so I don't know if that's a part of it, or what?? The "bruised" area is about the size of the palm of your hand.. I'm just a little nervous, but it's probably just because of ovulation... right?