October 7th born September 8th!!


Little Miss Hazel Amelia decided to come flying into the world at 35 weeks 6 days!! I lost my mucus plug two nights ago and talked to my doctor. She said if I'm not leaking, bleeding like a period, or have consistent contractions then she would see me at my appointment on Monday. Then yesterday I thought I might've been leaking so I called and made an appointment for today. I was also having random contractions but they were bearable and so all over the place so I didn't think anything of it. I woke up twice last night and had to change my underwear because they were wet so I said I'd call first thing in the morning to get my appointment changed. Well I woke up this morning to stronger contractions but still all over the place. My husband left for work and I fed the dog and took her out. Well I went back to the bathroom and was bleeding like a heavy period. I called hubby and he turned around and came home and I jumped in the shower. We left for the hospital and I called the on call doctor and told her we were on our way in. We get to the hospital like 7:05, sign paperwork, wait for triage since it was the nurses change over time. I get back to triage and they hook me up to the monitors, and the nurse is like are you feeling a contraction im seeing some minor irritation, and I'm thinking if this is minor irritation how will I ever deliver this baby lol. So as I'm laying in triage my contractions do not let up. It was awful. So I go sit on the toilet because that helps and pee and poop (tmi) lol. So I go back to the bed and as soon as I sit down it's this awful contraction again. Finally a doctor comes and checks me around 8ish and says I'm SEVEN centimeters. Omg I bursted out crying. So they get things rolling and get me into a delivery room. All these people are in there setting up because of how progressed I am. They check me when I get in the bed and I'm a 9. I'm asking for any type of pain meds at this point and they say they can't do anything until blood work comes back. The nurses that were with me said you really may want to try and do this natural because you're progressing so fast and doing so well. So I can't believe it but I agree. I never had an all natural

Birth in my plans. My doctor comes in and I was either a 9 or fully dilated and breaks my water. She said she's going to get cleaned up and dressed and she'll be back to push. It felt like she was gone forever. I could not do anything during contractions besides grab onto the handles and close my eyes. I told the nurses I wanted to start pushing, and they said fine. So I pushed during a contraction and the doctor came back in. I pushed during 5 or 6 contractions and she was out !! She came out screaming! She doesn't have to be on any IV's, she's breathing and eating great!! They only have to keep her in the NICU because she was born 35.6. Ugh who knew within four hours of waking up today I'd be giving birth !