Repeat C-section

Jordan 💖

Anyone who has had a repeat c-section, how was the second time around? I just found out that I'm not able to have a vbac and now I'm a little worried. With my first, I had been up for 2 days being induced and it ended in a c-section on the 3rd day. I slept for 6 hours after my son was delivered and I don't want that to happen again. Did the c-section effect your milk supply or baby's ability to nurse?

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I just had second c section many years after first. It was much more difficult for me second time. The healing is taking a bit longer and I have terrible trapped gas pains and constipation. I can say I had a lot of 'what if' concerns, but one by one they all my worries are working out okay. I just hope the constipation and gas pains ease up as they are horrible! Also hope the incision site heals soon, as it was faster the first time.. my milk came in several days after delivery too and slowly increased in supply a little each day with pumping every couple hours (he won't latch). C sections are not easy but everyone always seems to be fine after, it's just a pain for a while with recovery.. some people have it easier and recover very fast too!


Paula • Sep 10, 2017
try peppermint tea 4 gas


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I've had 5 c sections


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C-sections do not interfere with your milk. Labor doesn't spur on your milk production- it's the tearing away of the placenta so it's the same as with natural labor. The only thing that seems to be a prob is when you have a traumatic experience and are extra stressed which can happen just as equally with vaginal births. With a scheduled section, it's SO MUCH EASIER than an emergency. For one, you're not exhausted and in pain. You get a little nervous, obviously, but nowadays, you can have immediate skin to skin with sections as well AND I was nursing my baby boy IN RECOVERY. The healing was quicker too! We have 7 kids. I've had births early, late, on time, induced, natural, emergency section and scheduled section. I know it's ideal to go natural and I would over any other way, but I can tell you my 2nd section was A MILLION times easier. Good luck, congrats and no worries on breastfeeding. My milk was in less than 2 full days after he was born and he's 11 months, still going strong! 😘


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had my 3rd in may, ot was the easiest for me. i thinm it was more the pain meds though that helped. with my 2nd pain wasnt bad but it was a long recovery because it reopened and got infected, 2nd all i took was ibuprofen, 3rd i had norco and it made life so much easier. hardly any pain except occasionally in the morning if i hadnt taken a pill in ahwile.


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Bc of complications w my 1st I can have a vbac but it was an awful labor for me so I'm opting for the repeat when the time comes. Anywho several friends of mine have had repeats and said the recovery time was soooo much easier the 2nd time around. :) the only thing I heard is the same is that stupid shaking from the anesthesia wearing off which was horrible.


Yasmin • Sep 10, 2017
I had no problem with spinal anesthesia.


Jamie • Sep 9, 2017
I never had ANY issues with the meds because I had a spinal and only ibuprofen afterward. Was so much better. With my first, I had an epidural and actually got myself from the recovery bed to my hospital bed. Wore off WAY too quickly lol!


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My second was much easier than my first, and they were 6 years apart! I sort of forgot what to expect, so I was super nervous, but it went great. The recovery is obviously rough, but it passes:) I EBF both my kiddos right from birth with no milk supply issues.


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My second cs ( 1 weeks ago) went better than my first. I think because I had no idea what to expect and the things that didn't go well I mentioned to the nurse/doctors and they were done differently. Plus the ob mentioned my scar was super thick and she suggested doing staples instead. She used the same incision but this scar after just a week looks waaaay better than my previous scar after it healed for 25 months. You're awake the whole time for a planned CS, the only time I missed with my babies was about 30 minutes right after when they were closing up the incision. During that time my husband went with the baby and held them in recovery while they waited for me.


Kristin • Sep 10, 2017
I had no problems with milk production. My milk came around day 3. The nurses said milk normally comes faster for the second pregnancy.