Extremely thick gelatin/egg white CM/discharge. Fresh off the pill. Help?


Hey all! So I've been taking BC pills since I was 14 and now I'm almost 20, but recently went off of them because of how they were affecting my health and my mood lately. TMI, but I just had a massive amount of very thick, gelatin/egg white/elastic discharge. It was clear but brownish tinted. I don't think I have an infection because I don't have any other symptoms of one. I'm cramping quite a bit though. Could this be CM? I've never had this before, and I wasn't sure what CM really was because I've been on the pill for so long that I assumed I didn't have fertile CM. I thought that maybe since I've been off the pill for about a month now that I was just extra fertile and this is what fertile CM looks like. Would someone be able to explain to me what CM is and if you think that's what this is? It was so thick and nearly solid that it almost scared me. Certainly not wet and liquidy in any way. Sorry for the TMI, and thanks in advance for any info!