No heartbeat πŸ’”


Yesterday was my initial prenatal appointment, I was so excited and so looking forward to hearing that beautiful heartbeat but God had better plans for my baby.

I am 9 weeks and 5 days but our angel measured 6 weeks and no heartbeat πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

Never would I have thought this would happen, I thank God for my husband who came with me and was there for me.

D&C; is scheduled for Monday, it will be tough but like I said, God had better plans.

-I will always wonder, who you would have been


Today I went in for D&C;, it was a long process since I needed clearance for bloodwork before they took me to the OR. A little past 1pm they took me and sedated me, next thing I knew, it was over.

I'm experiencing menstrual cramps and back pain. The hospital offers burial and a ceremony service for the little Angels that we have held in our womb for a moment, I had no idea, I was thinking that they would discard but they don't, they will send me information in the mail.

Emotionally, I'm a wreck! I cry and then I'm fine then I cry again and again. Just when I believe I'm better, I'm not. And it's been like that since I left the hospital πŸ’”

I want to thank all of you wonderful ladies that have taken the time to show your empathy and support, I read it over and over just cause it proves that I am not alone and that there is Hope.

God willing, when the time comes, I will be announcing my rainbow baby 🌈

Thank you all once again ❀️

1.3k views β€’ 23 upvotes β€’ 31 comments



Posted at
This happened to me as well in April, baby stopped evolving in week 6 and I discovered on week 9. Waited for natural expulsion...The good news is I am now 10 weeks pregnant. Tried again 3 months later.God knows what is best for us. Just hang in there and try to stay positive and healthy. Soon you will have great news again, this is just normal and it happens to more women than you imagine. Good luck honey.


Cecilia β€’ Sep 10, 2017
Thank you for your words, I am so sad and my husband is trying to keep my spirits up. Wish you all the best you on current pregnancy! ❀️


Posted at
I'm going through a miscarriage right now...8 weeks. It is so hard , i am so sad. I think it's going to be a naturel miscarriage. Will see how the night goes but i pass uterine tissue not the sac yet. Hope everything Will be well for you. Big hug 😘


Rana β€’ Sep 11, 2017
I'm so sorry for your loss. It must be hard. We are here to support you. Your angel will watch over you always


Cecilia β€’ Sep 10, 2017
I'm so sorry, it is so hard cause I just had so many plans and so much to look forward to! I'm crushed and just praying to God that this won't be an issue in the future and I will be able to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. I haven't experience any type of miscarriage symptom at all, my body is still it's pregnant πŸ’”


Posted at
I know your pain. Had my first appt two weeks ago, measured small for gestational age with no heartbeat but the dr said it could have been that my dates were off. We repeated the ultrasound a week later, hoping for changes but my baby had not grown at all and still no heartbeat. I was almost ten weeks when I found out I had miscarried and baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks. I go in for a d and c in a few days. I am so sorry for your loss and if you ever need to talk, please don't hesitate to reach out. I am devastated. I know things will be ok eventually but for now, there is only grief. Take care of yourself and good luck.


Anna β€’ Sep 12, 2017
Thank you for sharing your story and for your kind words. I pray that you will find peace and recover quickly from your physical pain, though I can only imagine the emotional pain. My heart goes out to you. ❀️


Cecilia β€’ Sep 12, 2017
Thank you, I'm sorry for your loss as well. I had the D&C; done today, I'm a mess with all types of emotions πŸ˜”πŸ’”


Posted at
I am so sorry, sending prayers for comfort.


Posted at
He does and i felt the same way when i had my d&c; i couldnt help but cry its been a year now and im praying i am pregnant now i have my fingers crossed ,its going to be hard .


Cecilia β€’ Sep 10, 2017
It's so hard πŸ˜’πŸ˜”


Posted at
This has me in tears. So sorry Darling. I hope you get your little rainbow soon! ((( hugs)))
This has me in tears. So sorry Darling. I hope you get your little rainbow soon! ((( hugs)))


Cecilia β€’ Sep 12, 2017
Thank you, I am at a loss πŸ’”


Posted at
I'm so sorry


Cecilia β€’ Sep 12, 2017
I will be praying for you and thank you. I pray that you and your baby will be healthy and that you'll enjoy the greatest miracle of Life. Xoxo


Erica β€’ Sep 12, 2017
It's so hard to try and understanding why we go through the happiness only to be sad. My last miscarriage last year, I bled for six weeks after. It just takes it out of you. I thought we were done but God gave me a strong sense of wanting another baby this summer and it is happening. I prayed for another baby or peace to be done with that chapter (I'm 36). Now we are just speaking life and health over this little one. I pray you find rest and solace during this journey and hard time.


Cecilia β€’ Sep 10, 2017


Posted at
So sorry for all your losses. It is the most difficult thing I've ever been through and I've been through it twice now. Take your time to grieve and come to terms with your loss as it's not easy and never leaves you. I lost my first in December 2016 it was my first pregnancy and something very similar happened. A missed miscarriage I thought I was 12 1/2 weeks but baby had gone at 7. I fell pregnant after my 2nd period went for a scan at 9 weeks baby measured 8+4 not a big deal they said but the heartbeat was slow too slow to survive and was told I'd be seen the next week to see what happens but told I would lose the baby. The week after I was told baby had gone on for another few days and had grown but now had no heartbeat. I am now pregnant again for the 3rd after just one period since my last miscarriage some might say it's way too soon and it definatly wasn't planned to happen so soon I didn't want to "try" as such. I'm now 10+ 3 weeks and won't be seen until I'm 12 weeks so have no idea how my scan will go next well but I'm staying hopeful. Don't bottle any of your feelings up if you need to cry then let it out, talk to family and friends if your able to you'll be surprised how many people can tell you they've been through the same thing πŸ’ž


Carly β€’ Sep 12, 2017
I felt like as soon as a felt ok the world had something to pull men back again. But I'm at peace with it now it still hurts and I still think about what could have been that never leaves. Thank you I'm keeping everything crossed


Cecilia β€’ Sep 12, 2017
Thank you for your kind words and I am sorry for your losses. I wish you all the best on your current pregnancy and wish your miracle will grow healthy and strong! You know, just when I feel like I'm ok, something triggers my emotions and I begin to cry. I have support from the ppl I love and trust in my life and I am blessed with their support. ❀️❀️❀️


Posted at
im so sorry for your loss.. i know how you feel it hurt a lot i also lost my first baby at 9weeks 3rd appointment im so excited to see and hear the heartbeat because last time at 6+4 my ob said that there is a fetal movement..i was worried.. finally my 3rd app with my ob at first my gs is not growing and the baby is measuring 7+4 no fetal movement.. i was so shock and i want to get out of that hospital.. but we have to talk to my ob and explaining whats happening and i didnt hear anything i was blocked ob decided to make a d&c; after 2 weeks.. that 2 weeks is a long day for me.. everyday i have a mild cramping and a dark brown discharged but it didnt pass naturally until the time come that was may 29,2017 my d&c; will do and they have to check again if its not growing final check and after they announced that no heart beat we have to remove it and they explain that they have to open my cervix for contraction and thats the only pain i ever experience its like a menstrautional cramping but it so hurting.. then i walk to go to my room wait for a contraction and after 30 mins me and the nurse go to the operating room for a anesthesia after 1 min i fall asleep then when i wake up im at the recovery room and in so much pain.. that i realized that my baby is gone i greive a lot..they check my hcg before my hcg going back to zero i had my period at exactly 4 weeks after d&c; i had a fast recovery and i eat a healthy food then after my first cycle we decided to bd and it came up bfp.. im so scared if i will be happy or what but if its meant to be it willπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»and now im 11+1 with a healthy and strong hbπŸŒˆπŸ‘ΆπŸ»now your feeling sad after a while you will be ok.. just ready yourself for your rainbow baby drink a folic acid and iron supplements for your nxt db.. goodluck to you.. stay healthyπŸ™πŸ»


togashi β€’ Sep 12, 2017
praying for your fast recoveryπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»


Cecilia β€’ Sep 11, 2017
I pray that you have a wonderful pregnancy and that a healthy baby. Me and my husband will take a little break so I can prepare my body since it's been sooo long since my last pregnancy.


Cecilia β€’ Sep 11, 2017
Thank you so much, I just got home, it's been a long day. I'm having menstrual cramps but nothing too strong, i usually get bad periods, and just thinking that my baby is not there makes me very sad. The hospital staff was wonderful and they have given me the choice to have a memorial for my baby this fall and a burial in the Spring. I agreed to it since that will bring me closure. I will see the doctor back in 2 weeks and genetic testing will be in by then.


Posted at
Did you notice a difference in your symptoms?


Cecilia β€’ Sep 10, 2017
Morning sickness did decrease about 3 weeks ago but I figured it was normal since with my first pregnancy, 10 years ago, I didn't suffer from any. I did also have brown discharge but that's also normal. Currently I'm getting mild cramping and sharp ovary pain. It all stated after the transvaginal sonogram, idk if that has triggered these symptoms.