help me! semi controversial

Cara✨🏳️‍🌈 • 23yr old virgo queen

so i just got fired from my job. i wasn't working there for a very long time so i'm not heartbroken, but i still am upset about being fired as i've never been fired before. basically i got fired because i was doing extra work, and another coworker told me that the extra work i was doing didn't count. so i started undoing the work that i had done, and she was like well you shouldn't stop! and i was like, well if i doesn't count then i'm not gonna do it. so she goes off and tells the general manager on me. my GM has been on a firing spree lately, and maybe this wasn't the best time to do something like that because she fired me on the spot. now i have to return my uniform and the materials they gave me, and i don't know what to say when i go back. i don't want to cause a scene or curse anyone out, but i'm embarrassed and upset. part of me wants to throw their shit on the floor and just walk out, but the other part of me is scared of being arrested. does anyone know if i can do that and get away with it? or some other harmless things that i can do to emphasize my point? or should i just not do anything at all, seeing as they have my social and my address.

edit : if you feel like i should do nothing at all, (or something different) that's also very solid advice. i don't want to do anything that will follow me for the rest of my life, especially since i'm not willing to do anything explicitly criminal. i don't want to be charged with felony vandalism bc i threw their uniform on the floor or assault bc the tip of my old work shirts fell on someone's toe 😂