A bad pain


So yesterday I kept having a weird ache and twinges on the left lower part of nt abdomen. Like to the left of my belly button but lower than where my belly botton sits. The pain starts at about noon yesterday and by the time 3pm rolled around, I took some advil because it was hurting so much. So after I took the advil I stopped feeling the pain. Until I got home around 6pm. It started to ache real bad and do weird twinges again. When I layed down for bed at around 10, I fell asleep and was jolted awake at about 10:45pm with such horrible horrible pain it made me yell out multiple times. I have never felt anything like it and it was kind of scary, I contemplated going to the ER but took some tylenol and the pain subsided enough to fall asleep for the night. Now the day after its 2pm, and I'm starting to fwel the ache again, its not bad, it comes and goes but nothing like last night. Any insight?? please help!