How often do you speak with your parents on the phone?

My dad is Codependent and has severe anxiety. I live next door so I see him every day, always once, sometimes 2 times a day. I help him make his lunch, get his mail and do little things around the house in addition to sitting and catching up on how he's feeling etc. I used to basically be his primary caregiver but got very burned out because he was demanding the majority of my day, I was running back and forth up to 5 times a day and he would call me excessively sometimes 4 or 5 times for little random things and have no regard to what I was doing in my own home. I wasn't able to leave my house with out him freaking out and he would call my cell phone until I picked up. I have my 3 children and one due any day now so with urging from my fiancé as well as my therapist we hired 2 private caregivers so he has someone there for breakfast and dinner. Things have gotten a bit better as I've been trying to set some boundaries with him but he still DEMANDS that I call him every night and gets very emotionally abusive when I don't. We got into an argument the other night about it not being normal to have speak with your parents every night. I feel that I see him everyday, I know he's ok and if he has an emergency he can call, but otherwise let me have some space!

So...Do you think it's normal for a parent to demand that you answer your phone every night for a 45 minute phone call that is primary centered around how their day went?

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