I don't know how to handle this.

I post this anonymously because I have no idea if my sister-in-law is on Glow.

Tonight my sister-in-law told my husband and I that she's pregnant. She's been married for a few months and before getting married said she had started birth control and they didn't want kids for a couple years. Her husband also just started school after they got married.

This is tough for my husband and I to handle. We've been ttc for 2 years, with one pregnancy and very early miscarriage (6 weeks). My husband wants children desperately, even more than me it sometimes seems. To add to this, my husband has had a strained relationship with his parents and sister for several years now. He's 30, has a successful career and hasn't lived at home (or even in the same city) for a decade but his parents still treat him as if he's 12 and love to lecture him while in the same breath praising his sister for everything she does, and then she runs with that.

Because of this, it's already hard to convince my husband to visit his family, and he gets incredibly anxious every time we do. He's already stated that this is just going to further distance us from them because everything is going to continue being about her (as it's been for the past year and a half because of the wedding) and how perfect she is and how she's giving his parents grandchildren like they so desperately want.

I get this isn't the biggest issue in the world, and I don't even know what I want from the post - I just know I'm really sad and don't know how I'm going to handle the next 8 months of her pregnancy, because a) she actually gets to have a baby and b) I'm going to have to work so hard to help my husband continue to have a relationship with his family while I am just going to want to cry too.

I want to be happy for her. I really do. Another friend recently announced her pregnancy and I was honestly thrilled (with of course a twinge of jealousy), but this one? I just can't handle it.