Starting stims- so nervous!!!


Kelsey • 26 years old. Pregnant from IVF. Our baby boy is due August 22nd, 2018.

My husband and I are going through our first round of IVF. I start Follistim and Menopur a week from tomorrow. Any advice or tips?! Soooo nervous!!!!!!

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Posted at
Good luck! Let me know about menopur. My RE wants to try it out this coming iui. Oh, by the way, the rude troll on this post has issues. She posted something on my thread that I just created. She lacks the tact gene.


Je • Sep 11, 2017
I order from MDR for injectables. They are unsure of a dosage for me. My body has crazy reactions to the meds. A friend that was on menopur said her cost was nearly $400 for menopur alone.


Kelsey • Sep 11, 2017
Good luck with your IUI! I'll let you know how I react from the Menopur! Best of luck to you.


JBo • Sep 11, 2017
Menopur wasn't bad. It burns a tiny bit going in but less in the belly than in the arm. The one thing I will say about the around! The best price I got was $84 a vial from a local pharmacy that had a contract with the manufactirer. It was cheaper from them than Freedom.


Posted at
You'll be fine! Believe that :-). Just take it one day at a time. Try to keep track of how much meds you have left so you don't buy too much or too little. Try to alternate sides for your injections and try not to wiggle be needle around much as your putting in the injection. at some point in your stims cycle you might have to add cetrotide or ganirelix but hopefully you will take that at a different time of day. I took mine in the morning and the stims in the evening. Also don't freak out about air bubbles. Better to inject 100% of your meds with a small air bubble than lose meds trying to get an air bubble out. Take it 1 shot at a time. Your retrieval will be here before you know it!


JBo • Sep 11, 2017
Not sure yet. My retrieval is tomorrow. We will be doing PGS most likely so won't really know anything for about 2 weeks


Kelsey • Sep 11, 2017
Thank you so much! I feel organized for the most part. We bought little drawers from Target, so it's been helpful to keep them all separated and ready to go. I believe the Follistim is in the morning and the Menopur is at night. I have Cetrotide, but they said they will let me know when to add that. Was your IVF cycle successful?


Posted at
It's exciting and scary when you start! My advice is to get a calendar to keep track of what you need to take each day. I also set an alarm in my phone for meds. As for the shots, I was terrified of needles. It's not that bad. I did the shots myself for a long time. There are amazing teaching videos online to help you prep and inject the shots. Menopur has to be mixed, but it isn't hard. Do not freak out when you see the big needle- it's only for mixing. If you get the q-caps to mix they are even easier. Best of luck to you!


Kelsey • Sep 11, 2017
Thank you so much! I appreciate your reply. Our clinic provided a calendar for us, so it's pretty easy to follow! One week away!! Yay


Posted at
Congratulations! What an exciting time! If your RE didn't already give you a chart, make one with all your daily meds listed. That way you can check them off and know you've taken them. Take things by the day! There will come a point where you will feel overwhelmed, but it is just all the added hormones. Remind yourself to take some extra time for just you. And, just try to appreciate the fact science is amazing!


Lindsey • Sep 11, 2017
So sorry that he will be out of town for that! Glad your mom will be able to tend to you!


Kelsey • Sep 11, 2017
Thank you!! It means a lot that you posted. I'm excited. My hubby will be out of town for the retrieval, so I'm super bummed about that but I will get through it! My moms going to take me.


Lindsey • Sep 11, 2017
Also, post with your updates because once you get closer to your retrieval, lots of us will have many tips that got us through it!