My partner makes me feel like

Tonight my heart is torn on to so many pieces. Lately I've been so depressed.

My partner of almost two years ( started as a friendship became best friends) we have been officially together for a year.

The past few months I have been so emotionally depressed and so sad all the time and I know it's because of him and I can't tell him cuz I'm scared I will hurt his feelings and he will leave.

He doesn't call me his gf or anything and he makes me feel like he is so embarrassed to have me in his life. He blames my being in our apartment and us living together the reason he doesn't bring friends over because of what they will think.

He doesn't tell his most closest friends that we are together because he wants to live a bachelor life and what hurts more is I know he sleeps around and I know he is always trying to get other women.

I feel like I have given him almost everything and there is nothing I wouldn't give but man I am so hurt like I don't know how to even justify why I am still here. What is wrong with me ?