IVF first time and a cold!


Does anyone have <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> success stories where they were sick while they were stimming? I started my shots last night and I feel like I am coming down with a cold today. I should have known because my husband has been sick with a cold for a week. My throat hurts and I feel a little lethargic and my sinuses hurt a little bit. I know a cold is coming. I'm worried that my egg quality will be affected just from me not feeling 100%. Also I have so much anxiety about all of this that I am finding it really hard to sleep at night. Last night I had to take an Ativan in order to get some rest. Overall this is extremely overwhelming and it's hard to think positively. Just a little bit about me I had three chemical pregnancies in the past and one blighted ovum at 6 weeks due to chromosome problem with the embryo. Any encouraging words are welcome! Thankful to have this forum!