4,008 miles apart


So I live outside of Chicago and he lives outside of London. We both are mid to late 20's and have been involved for about 2 years. We have had some really rough times, but have found our way through each challenge and have allowed ourselves to learn and grow closer and stronger.

I visited him in June for 1 month, and he just visited me for 10 days (I'm self employed so I can take way more time off than he can).

I miss him so much and can't wait until November (he is coming to the states again!). We will be attending the wedding celebration of some friends of ours who have just recently closed the distance in their relationship (Holland to Arizona!).

This will be the first wedding we've attended together, and I'm so excited!!

We have yet to say the L word, but I've known that I've loved him for a really long time...I think this wedding celebration in November will be the opportune moment for me to tell him. Things have really shifted in the last five months, and he asked me to move to England to stay with him, so I know he is thinking about things in the same way I am. The timing never felt good before, but it does now!

ANYWAY! I just felt like sharing my excitement and my nervousness on this forum because this is all really fresh for me and it helps me cope.

Does anyone else have romantic success stories they want to share? I'm a sucker for that kind of thing 😍🌈❤️