Empty sac...too early to tell or miscarriage?


Went to my doctors today after receiving 3 positive at home pregnancy tests. According to my LMP, I'd be 9 weeks 2 days. However, I have terribly unpredictable cycles ranging from 31-45 days with difficulties tracking my ovulation. Today during a vaginal sono, they identified a gestational sac with nothing in it. The tech said "it could be that your dates are off or the pregnancy isn't going to go any further." When I met with the PA afterwards, the discussions revolved around natural miscarriage or a D/C which she suggested in 2 weeks if nothing happens and how to deal emotionally. They drew my blood today to check my levels and my blood type (hoping they call by the end of the day). I return in a week to check my levels again. I've read so many stories of individuals being too early on in their pregnancy to identify anything in the scans and then a week or two later the pregnancy showed to be progressing. I still have pregnancy symptoms which I understand I will until I miscarry but I can't help but wonder if I possibly ovulated very late which in turn would make me early on in my pregnancy? I am crushed and just pulling at strings at this point I guess. Any guidance from those in similar situations? Please!!